CEC academic awards honour roll

CEC Awards
THE WINNER TAKES ALL: In the presence of parents and staff, 20 students received their academic awards from Mr Warren Wang (3rd from left), Director of Centre for Enterprise and Communication. (Photo: Anaqi Anzari/PHOTO IG)

For Sandra Tan, it was a new experience being in the spotlight at an academic awards ceremony and what a memorable day it was. The second year Diploma in Consumer Behaviour and Research student received a diploma prize award, three module awards and a scholarship from Acorn Marketing and Research Consultants.

“It is a great achievement as I did spend a lot of time studying and now I am determined to put in the same amount of effort,’’ said Sandra who was one of 20 students present at the Centre for Enterprise and Communication (CEC) Academic Award ceremony held on August 22nd.

A total of 33 awards were given to students who excelled in their respective diplomas and modules and the event was attended by parents and industry partners. Mr Warren Wang, Director of Center for Enterprise and Communication gave a hearty congratulation to all the winners. In his speech, he said he hoped that the awards would help winners move on to greater heights “not just in your academic pursuit but also in other areas which will add value to your personal development and prepare you to be a valued member of the society.”

Pearlyn Lau, a third-year Diploma in Communication and Information Design (DCID) student, shared a piece of advice to those who wish to excel in their studies. She said, “Whenever you are feeling lazy, do not give in to the laziness. That is the moment when you are being put to a test.”