The Applied Study in Polytechnic and ITE Review (ASPIRE) launched its RP-wide campaign on 28 Apr 2014, making RP the only polytechnic to take on the campaign in order to create and raise awareness of what ASPIRE is about.
This was done through various engagement activities using the different social media platforms – a Twitter dash where students race to find clues relating to ASPIRE , a Jingle Jangle Competition which involves a short music video, and ‘Snap it to Win it!’, an Instagram photo contest.
A hash tag, “rpaspire” was created for students to tweet or share their understanding of ASPIRE and increase awareness of the campaign.
ASPIRE aims at enhancing these graduates’ academic and career progression prospects through the concept of “Applied Learning”, where connections between industries and these institutes will be strengthened to give students the opportunity to apply the skills acquired at school, directly at the workforce.
This concept is designed to prepare students for the uncertain future ahead with the demands of the economy.
Information on this RP-wide ASPIRE campaign can be found on all seven schools’ Facebook pages, RP’s own Facebook page and Twitter, the RP ASPIRE Twitter page and of course, the blog –“You’ve Got the Skills. Work it!”
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